All of us at Pilgrims would like to wish you the best of luck for your Virtual Pilgrims Way Challenge this weekend.
The weather across east Kent is forecast to be partly cloudy, but feel rather warm in the sun so remember to stay protected by wearing sun lotion, a hat, and keeping hydrated throughout your walk(s).
Please note: The real Pilgrims Way Challenge event has been cancelled until 2021 and this is purely a virtual challenge designed for you to complete from, or near to, your own home. We would discourage you from walking the actual route of the event as sections are fairly remote and there will be no event support such as rest stops or medical support.
That said, we hope you enjoy getting out into the sunshine and walking your chosen distance this weekend and logging your activity via the Pilgrims Event App.
Thank you so much for your support!
Following our communication plan, to inform participants of the final decision on 17th August, It is with regret that, despite our best efforts to mitigate the risks of virus transmission, and the potential impact on local public services, we have sadly made the decision to cancel the Pilgrims Way Challenge for the postponed date of Saturday 5th September 2020.
A FREE virtual version of the Pilgrims Way Challenge will take place on 5th-6th September for existing participants, hosted via the Pilgrims Event App in appreciation of their patience, understanding and ongoing support of Pilgrims Hospices.
The full official statement and details of the event cancellation can be viewed at: